There is no question that a workplace focus on the application of individual strengths will result in increased performance. Dozens of studies have documented actual ROI in key performance indicators for organizations that encourage managers to intentionally provide opportunities for people to do what they do best. And, it’s no accident. The practice of playing to your strengths is backed by real scientific research:
This idea of intentionally playing to your strengths is backed by years of research by the Gallup organization. As a result of interviews with thousands of managers and over 1-million employees, Gallup found that the teams with the highest performance weren’t the highest-paid, or the ones with the best benefits. Teams with the highest productivity, customer satisfaction and employee retention were those teams where the greatest number of people could agree with this statement: [blockquote align=”center”]At work I have an opportunity to do what I do best, every day.[/blockquote]
I’ve written a 12-page whitepaper summarizing the findings of the most significant studies in this area and would be happy to send you a complimentary copy. To get yours, simply request one by email at
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