Audiofile Magazine Review

2023-02-05T23:51:11+00:00Audiobooks, Books/Movies, Management|

I was browsing around the Audiofile Magazine website recently and came across their 2010 review of my audiobook The One Year Daily Devotions for Leaders. They wrote:

Jim Seybert narrates his own work with eloquence as he delivers a treasure trove of bite-sized devotions for time-challenged business and ministry leaders. Readings cover broad issues of leadership […]

When to Speak Up & When to Shut Up

2016-07-26T20:58:21+00:00Audiobooks, Books/Movies|

The title made me chuckle because I’ve always been told to NEVER use the term “shut up.” But you have to admit, it does get your attention. Dr. Michael Sedler is a behavior specialist in Oregon. The book was originally published in 2003 (Baker) and reprinted in 2006. The print version has sold more […]

Is reading the same as listening?

2023-02-05T23:53:06+00:00Books/Movies, Technology|

I just finished reading Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird.
Or, should I say, I just finished having Sissy Spacek read it to me?
I love books. Always have. Some of my earliest memories are of a bookshelf in the basement apartment my folks rented in San Francisco. The bottom shelf was where my books were. I must have […]

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