Blurring the line between Wants and Needs


Nearly everything you do involves a choice. With the exception of breathing and eating, there are very few non-negotiable activities. You can even make choices about what you eat and where you breathe. So, on a micro level, you are positioned more frequently than you realize to "get what you want."

Clip Your Wings and Soar

2023-02-06T00:05:03+00:00Personal, Strengths|

Sticking to a resolution made on January 1st quite often requires you to do things that are counter to your nature; to swim upstream against your native instincts. That's the problem with resolutions: they generally demand that you to do less of what you love, or more of what you loathe.

Praising the flighty outliers

2023-02-06T00:14:34+00:00Management, Strategy|

I watched a flock of generic birds wandering about the sky. They were sparrows or starlings or some other type of ubiquitous small bird, flying about in the most haphazard manner; the entire flock darting first one direction and instantly another. There didn’t appear to be reason to their route, no plan.
Then for just a […]

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