The paradox of success
There's certainly nothing wrong with wanting to succeed–an appetite for failure should be cause for concern–but consider the amazing power of failure to catalyze new ideas.
There's certainly nothing wrong with wanting to succeed–an appetite for failure should be cause for concern–but consider the amazing power of failure to catalyze new ideas.
You can't clone success. Every day begins with new challenges and opportunities. You only succeed when you apply today's answers to today's problems. The most foolish thing you can do is to rely on past solutions for future dilemmas.
Nearly everything you do involves a choice. With the exception of breathing and eating, there are very few non-negotiable activities. You can even make choices about what you eat and where you breathe. So, on a micro level, you are positioned more frequently than you realize to "get what you want."
Sticking to a resolution made on January 1st quite often requires you to do things that are counter to your nature; to swim upstream against your native instincts. That's the problem with resolutions: they generally demand that you to do less of what you love, or more of what you loathe.
"Hey Jim," the email began, "how often do you run across CEOs who love their company and hate their own job description?"
He explained that as he'd grown his business, he hired people to handle tasks he had enjoyed doing in the early days and now finds his calendar filled with administrative tasks no one else wants to do. "I can't imagine any entrepreneur starting out wanting to be an administrator."
Companies - smart ones - put significant resources toward employee engagement and retention, but what about the boss? Who watches out for the men and women in the c-suite? If retaining key employees is critical for profitability, keeping the boss engaged should be near the top of any company's training agenda.
Whether you are a captain of industry, wielding the helm of a multi-national mega-corp; or, a solo-professional entrepreneur, wielding a broom in your spare time just to make cash-flow — you could be your own worst competition.
With all the competitive forces taking aim at the big red circle on your back, you can’t afford to […]